We are looking for a house cleaner in Pietarsaari and Nearby areas



We are looking for a brisk and customer service-oriented house cleaner in Pietarsaari-Kokkola.

As a cleaner, you make our customers' everyday life easier and bring the joy of a clean home. The house cleaning work includes e.g. weekly cleaning, moving cleaning or window washing. The work is mostly a day job on weekdays. Some weekend job is alo a possiblity depends on demand. The work is full time, 37.5 hours/week.

The job location is in Pietarsaari and nearby areas like, larsmo, nykarleby, pedersöre and even sometimes in Kokkola. You have to perform in several locations on a single day. A driver's license and the opportunity to use your own car are essential for the job. We pay a mileage allowance for using our own car. Finnish/Swedish language skills are considered as advantage but you must have very good english language skill. Previous experience in cleaning work is an advantage, but it is not mandatory. We will introduce you to working methods, cleaning agents and tools. Our values of friendliness, flexibility and reliability are reflected in our daily work.

We offer you meaningful work where the results of the work can be seen immediately. Salary and other benefits are according to the collective agreement.

Would like to join instaclean?

Applying is easy, send your application via email today! We interview applicants already during the application period and agree on the start of work flexibly. The application ends on 20 August 2023 or earlier if we find suitable candidate.

Send your application here: [email protected]

Yhteystiedot: email: [email protected]
Työpaikan osoite:
Työ alkaa: 01.10.2023
Työaika: Kokoaikatyö
Työn kesto: Toistaiseksi voimassa oleva
Hakuaika päättyy: 19.08.2023 21:00
Jätä hakemus: https://tyomarkkinatori.fi/henkiloasiakkaat/avoimet-tyopaikat/ab2564c7-9...
Ilmoitus jätetty: 16.07.2023 10:17
Työmarkkinatorin ilmoitusnumero: ab2564c7-9906-4ab0-8e17-505bff4da156

Lähde: Työmarkkinatorin asiakastietojärjestelmä


Instant Solution Oy
66900 Uusikaarlepyy
Kokopäiväinen, Vakituinen

Julkaistu 16.07.2023




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